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Zimbabwe is known for its dramatic landscapes and diverse wildlife. Aside from the majestic, mile-wide Victoria Falls, formed as the Zambezi River thunders into the narrow gorge below, Zimbabwe is teeming with some of the best wildlife in southern Africa in protected wildlife areas which cover approximately 11% of the country. From the forested mountains of the Eastern Highlands to the sun-drenched grasslands of Hwange National Park, to the riverine ecosystems of Mana Pools and Matusadona, Zimbabwe’s beauty abounds.

The climate in Zimbabwe is warm during the day and cool at night. Mid-October kicks off the rainy season and lasts through the end of April.

At the end of the rainy season, the temperatures start a steady decline until July where temperatures are at their lowest for the year, dropping as low as freezing. The months between May and September also mark the dry season where precipitation is at its lowest. In September the temperatures begin to rise and peak in October.

May – early October: This is the long dry season and best viewing conditions with short grass. Wildlife congregate around water sources. You may want a beanie, warm jacket, and gloves from June through August! Guests can expect cold mornings and cool evenings until September. In October, the heat can be oppressive in the wilderness areas and lowest volume of water at Victoria Falls. This is peak travel season for visitors.

Mid-October – April: This is typically the rainy or ‘green’ season, when the heat breaks, the landscapes are lush with long grass and skies dramatic with billowing clouds. Wildlife is a bit more dispersed and sightings might not be plentiful. Expect showers in the morning with clearing in the afternoon before clouds roll in again for heavier rains in the evening. Road conditions in the bush can be muddy. This season is best for landscape photographers and bird watchers.

Victoria Falls, or ‘The Smoke That Thunders’ as it is referred to by the locals, is the jewel in the crown of Zimbabwe.

Matusadona and Mana Pools national parks are home to hippos, rhino, and spectacular birdlife, offering the opportunity for water-based activities in addition to game drives and walking safaris.

One of the largest elephant populations in the world is found at Hwange National Park.

The Malilangwe Reserve is home to a healthy population of endangered black and white rhino, as well as over eighty rock paintings in the sandstone mountains.

The massive granite boulders of Matobo Hills shelter the ancient history of the San, Zimbabwe’s earliest inhabitants.

Tour of Victoria Falls

Bush Walks & Game Drives

Community Visits

Sunset Cruise On The Zambezi River

Rhino & Elephant Tracking


White Water Rafting


Flights are typically routed through Johannesburg via European gateways like Amsterdam, London, Frankfurt, and Zurich. Flights directly into Harare via Dubai, Nairobi, and Addis Ababa are also quite popular.

We advise spending 2-3 days if you are just going to the Victoria Falls area or 10-14 days for a full spectrum safari of Zimbabwe. Victoria Falls is easily combined with any destination in Southern Africa and a safari combines nicely with Botswana, Zambia, or South Africa.

Zimbabwe will please safari neophytes, seasoned veterans, those seeking romance and those introducing their families to the safari experience.  You will also find tremendous value in Zimbabwe across all price points.

Visas are required for most visitors and are available upon arrival, but inoculations may be recommended. We suggest you see a travel medicine specialist for advice.

Getting around Zimbabwe is relatively easy with good roads and flight schedules available to all major destinations.

Although English is not an official language, you will find communication easy throughout your trip.

Licensing requirements in Zimbabwe for guides are challenging and as a result you can be assured that your guides are well trained and dedicated to their profession.

Not known as a culinary destination, most of the food is imported, so you can expect better quality and diverse choices at more upscale properties.



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